There haven't been many brave girls since the Little Red Riding Hood, have there? The missions have changed for little girls though. Now they are not only responsible for the cakes that should be delivered to grandmothers. They also save the world, or at least some specific little locations from monsters and spooky witches. Now it's the time for Funny Yo - a little courageous girl who is looking for the good and fighting for it. There is no grey wolf but lots of disgusting and harmful creatures that you will definitely not like. But can a little girl fight - certainly no, she just escapes from much harm and gathers magic keys and suns necessary for the mission fulfillment. The girl is funny but very mature and she will defeat all the evil forces in the spelled forest. Terrible monsters are going to stop her - they are seen everywhere. But Funny Yo can jump high and if you control her properly she will overcome all the obstacles ahead. You will find yourselves in a miraculous forest which is very beautiful but dangerous and is never safe. Funny Yo needs to gather as many trophies as possible to get the reward. She will definitely need your help. As you go you will gain some coins and after a successful game you will get a bonus mini-game which is very simple but fun. There will be a wide variety of strange beings appearing on your way, don't be scared and passive. Do something! Excellent animation and great musical background will make the story even more fascinating for you. Download it now and enjoy the game!