Our planet is in danger now as fearful aliens decided to conquer the Earth. The creatures have very dreadful plans - as they don't need hostages they want to wipe off the entire population of the planet. The main objective of Arcadrome game is to pick up all the crystals thrown over the game field. People have learnt that these crystals contained aliens' energy that's why you must capture them so that the creatures cannot carry out their awful plans. So you have to overcome all difficulties level by level. There is a great amount of monsters in Arcadrome, which want you to fail your task. Some monsters are foolish, but don't relax! There are creatures which are clever and very dangerous for you so be careful! They can mine the field, shoot at you, filch your crystals and so on. Passing through 10 levels be ready to meet one of the main monsters in the Arcadrome game - it is the most dreadful leader of all the creatures. Your aim is to get to the next level but if you cannot defeat this boss you won't be able to do it. So be brave, clever and do everything to kill him. You are given a short period of time for each level. If you are unable to complete it you will lose one life. There are lots of mines on the field - watch out! Power-ups are flying around the field - catch them to pass additional levels. Don't forget to save your game which is possible after finishing every ten levels. Nice bonuses are very useful in the battle. You get many various advantages with them, for example you can do serious damages. Moreover, excellent 3D graphics and rhythmical space music won't leave you indifferent!