The war between darkness and light has never stopped. Use your opportunity to join the forces of the good! Demon's Doomsday has come and you must face it! Demolish creatures of the night and go fearless through their armies. Fight during all the way hitting zombies with the whip! Run across graveyard and protect all good that remains on the planet. Don't miss a single demon in the sacred mission! Horrible witches fly over your head and try to kill you with their magic! Thank God you are more skilled warrior than they expect. Defeat cruel monsters in the game Demon's Doomsday! Cool graphics may scare you if you play this game alone at night! Realistic sound effects bring the atmosphere of the game to your room. Unexpectedly appearing here and there skeletons hunt for some fresh flesh to have a lunch. Drive the stakes in the soulless beasts! No retreat, move only forward! Find extra lives and refill health bar during levels. Power-up your whip to destroy enemies even faster! This game is a great sample of a time killing as it's describing an infinite fight between humanity and demons. It's time to stop searching for some hero to come and take us out of the darkness! Download the game Demon's Doomsday absolutely for free and protect our future from being destroyed by merciless children of the night. Get rid of the fear and begin your combat!