The ordinary life of extraordinary Miriel has changed as soon as she decided to have her own magical business. Would you like to become a business partner in the Miriel the Magical Merchant game? The girl wants to open a store and your main objective in the game is to earn the desired sum of money. Customers come to the shop and your task is to bring all necessary food very quickly. When a new client comes into the store he or she thinks a little and then you will see what he wants to buy with the help of the conversation balloons that appear above him. Click on the icon to order some food, then pick it up and finally take it to the customer waiting for you. Miriel can bring a limited number of items so pay attention to the purple rings flying near her hands. As soon as the customer gets his purchase he leaves some coins. Don't forget to collect them as they vanish quickly in the Miriel the Magical Merchant game. Several people can enter the shop at once. If a customer waits for a long period of time he will lose patience and leave the store. You can define client's mood by the number of red hearts near him or her. Different customers come to the store and they all need your attention. Each day you have to earn a definite sum of money - a day goal. You can achieve a master's goal and get better equipment. When you earn a large sum of money you can open a new store in a different town. Some dishes like bread and strawberry cake Miriel cooks herself. Moreover, there is a recipe book in Miriel the Magical Merchant where you can see all her recipes and try to cook something yourself!