How can you spend your spare time with pleasure when almost everything has already been tried? If you don't know what to do or you don't want to get bored with something common and not at all surprising then you should become one of those Terrafarmers. There will be no time to wait for the best entertainment. Here it is right in your computer! That's what you've been looking for. You'll be provided with lots of opportunities including the chance to plant new grass to save the inhabitants of the galaxy, sell the goods and even fight with the invaders. Doesn't it sound challenging and worth trying? You'll definitely enjoy travelling from planet to planet improving the situation there and discovering new possibilities. As you sell the products like cookies and earn money you'll be able to upgrade your equipment to protect the territory. It's not so easy and safe so you should keep your eye open to be ready to attack every single minute. What good Terrafarmers really need is the perfect reaction and special attention. There are always various machines which will help you, besides, as you pass each next level you'll become more and more experienced in solving complicated problems. Terrafarmers is a nice game with colorful design and pleasant sounds which create the atmosphere of being present in one of those galaxies full of surprises. Download it right now and you'll get unforgettable emotions together with hours of entertainment you've never had before! Try to get the best results!