Secret Diaries: Florence Ashford gives us a great opportunity to investigate a unique social environment of the Old World. We can do it through traditions of the past and the spirit of times of well-educated housekeepers and butlers with good manners. You are able to explore England of XIX century by reading diaries of a young female who lived at that time and by passing through events described in it. A life of youthful countess, the main character of Secret Diaries: Florence Ashford, used to be careless and calm. All of a sudden, her responsible father who used to be a person she relied on lost his fortune. The Ashfords sold almost all their belongings but that wasn't enough to pay off the debts. Thus, Florence was forced to get married the Marquise. She had never seen him before and she only knew that he was said to be very wealthy. That seemed to be enough for her parents. Despite the fact that Florence Ashford was forced to save her family from disgrace, she was still an easygoing, careless young lady who suggested she could find a true love. Arrived to the Marquise place, she found out that her future husband was not there so she had time to freshen up a little after a long way. All of a sudden, she found a secret message that was put on a mirror. It warned her that her family had been deceived. Florence Ashford had to figure out what that message meant before a wedlock. No wonder this concerned honor of her family besides her own future. Pass through events happened in Secret Diaries: Florence Ashford and help young countess to find her true love.
Secret Diaries: Florence Ashford - 1
Secret Diaries: Florence Ashford - 2
Secret Diaries: Florence Ashford - 3
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