Fishermen are more patient than hunters and more focused than chess players. Fishermen must wait. But not in these waters! Fisherman Of Fortune has limited time to catch as much fish as it is said. No time to observe calm water surface! No need to keep silent being afraid that the catch swims away. The water is full of all kinds of fish and it doesn't mind travelling to your boat on your hook! Just pull yourself together and get your fish! Enter campaign mode and follow level objectives. Catch extra fish to earn more money! To your luck, Fisherman Of Fortune has a perfect place to spend it. Go to the shop after each level and upgrade your buddy as much as possible! Buy a double hook to pull out two fish at once. Increase the length of fishing line to reach the very bottom and make it stronger to get cuttles and sharks! The bigger the fish is the more it costs. Buy special bait and a new engine for the boat to make it flow like a hovercraft. Equip to the max and never let a single underwater creature avoid your mighty rod. Stay within time limits and you'll find even more fish below. Get extra money for pulling out treasure chests. Challenge your increased skills in action mode where you need to get a maximum catch for the short time without level differentiation. Enjoy this free game independently on your age, gender or social position! Chase your luck and pull everything abroad. Download the game Fisherman Of Fortune to receive as much entertainment as you need and go fishing everywhere for fun!